
Construct and automate highly personalized customer experiences.

Merchants utilizing Sales Titan's personalization have doubled their click-through rate.

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Tailored product suggestions

Sync all your products into Sales Titan and elevate your marketing automation strategy to new heights. Utilize the product catalog to craft highly personalized messages for each shopper, leveraging deep data attributes to promote new products, cross-sell related ones, and stimulate repeat purchases.

Leverage product catalog to:

Revenue optimization

Re-engage customers after their purchase to offer complementary products such as accessories or frequently bought items together, thus increasing customer lifetime value.

Message shoppers to upsell them on superior products tailored to their browsing history, thus enhancing profitability.

Product presentation

Product interest follow-ups
Motivate prospects to make a purchase based on their interest in your products, fostering customer loyalty and boosting revenue.

Category interest follow-ups
Segment customers who have made a purchase within a particular category and present them with products and accessories that complement their recent purchase.

Product recommendations
Leverage your store's data and gather new actionable insights within Sales Titan. This enables you to confidently recommend each shopper the most relevant products for their first or next purchase.

Deliver highly relevant emails using Conditional Content.

Sales Titan's Conditional Content feature enables you to dynamically display or conceal content in your emails based on specific criteria such as contacts' interests, preferences, location, etc.

Customize all your email campaigns by establishing a unique set of rules that dictate the content shown to each individual contact.

Ready to take SalesTitan for a spin?

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