
Execute robust automated email campaigns

Employ advanced automation to orchestrate your email campaigns, guiding prospects through the funnel and generating a higher number of qualified leads.

Establishing robust, integrated workflows is now simpler than ever.

Scale your lead nurturing efforts with potent automated email campaigns.

Employ advanced automation to conduct sophisticated email campaigns, guiding prospects deeper into the funnel and producing more qualified leads.

Craft visually stunning emails without the need for coding. Then select from a plethora of triggers, conditions, and actions to deliver the appropriate emails to the appropriate leads at the appropriate moment.

Moreover, every workflow you create can be associated with a distinct goal, ensuring you are always aware of the effectiveness of your emails. Additionally, as workflows are integrated into our comprehensive marketing platform, you'll also possess the means to expand and replenish your database as contacts naturally churn over time.

Effortlessly visualize, customize, and personalize your workflows.

Craft sophisticated, targeted workflows without the hassle, ensuring every contact in your database receives the attention they merit.

The visual editor simplifies the process of conceptualizing workflows in real-time—whether you're developing straightforward follow-up campaigns or intricate, multi-stage journeys with multiple branches.

Leverage advanced segmentation logic to precisely determine which individuals are enrolled in your workflows and when. Then, personalize your emails for each recipient by incorporating specific details from your contacts database or CRM.

Automate a multitude of tasks beyond email alone.

Leverage advanced automation to orchestrate refined email campaigns, guiding prospects deeper into the funnel and generating more qualified leads.

Design visually stunning emails without the need for coding. Then, select from numerous triggers, conditions, and actions to dispatch the appropriate emails to the appropriate leads at the appropriate moment.

Moreover, each workflow you create can be linked to a distinct goal, ensuring continuous assessment of the effectiveness of your emails. Furthermore, as workflows are integrated into our fully unified marketing platform, you'll also possess the means to expand and replenish your database as contacts naturally attrite over time.

Comprehensive Inbound Marketing Software for Your Entire Team

Marketing Automation

Allow your leads to discover their own journey to purchase, resulting in more closed deals. Utilize workflows to customize emails, content, offers, and outreach at scale based on each lead's behavior.

Lead Management

Access detailed information about each contact and review all previous interactions. Utilize this data to develop highly targeted campaigns that drive more deals to closure.


Gain comprehensive insight into your entire customer journey. Utilize multi-touch revenue attribution to demonstrate the impact of marketing efforts on the bottom line.


Organize your marketing assets by team to ensure that each user has access to the appropriate content.

Social Media

Track brand mentions and relevant conversations, automatically monitor engagements, and schedule social posts for optimal visibility to the right audience.


Develop your content strategy around topics that enhance your authority in search engines, receive optimization advice in real-time as you create content, and gauge real SEO ROI with integrated analytics.


Craft CTAs that compel visitors to click, track which CTAs are clicked by whom, and assess performance to continuously optimize click-through rates over time.


Accurately track the ROI of your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google advertising efforts, eliminating the struggle to justify your paid ad spend.

Salesforce Integration

Bi-directional sync with Salesforce ensures that a record of every email open, CTA click, and form submission is readily available. Utilize this data to score leads and create segmented lists.

Sales Titan comes highly recommended...

Marketing Automation