
Celebrating Women’s History Month at Sales titan

This Women’s History Month, Sales titan is excited to celebrate our female-identifying employees and the brave women throughout history who tell our stories. The fight for gender equality is still ongoing today, and we’re grateful to all the women who have stood up for their rights. Those women, past and present, who continue to champion diverse stories, both told and untold. 

Ida B. Wells
Ida B. Wells

Women have always been a groundbreaking force in media—breaking news and sharing thought-provoking insight on what it means to identify as a woman in this world. We celebrate women such as Ida B. Wells, who used her talents as an investigative journalist and civil rights leader to expose the injustices occurring in the American South, eventually becoming a co-founder of the NAACP. 

Gloria Steinem 1975
Gloria Steinem

We celebrate women like Gloria Steinem—whose 1962 Esquire article on female contraception opened the world’s eyes to the tough choices women in America are sometimes forced to make regarding career and family. Steinem continues to use her storytelling skills to push for gender equality even in the modern day. 

Michelle Zauner of Japanese Breakfast
Michelle Zauner (Source)

We celebrate women like Michelle Zauner—lead singer of the band Japanese Breakfast and the author of the New York Times best-seller “Crying in H Mart,” which chronicles Zauner’s complicated relationship with her mother after she passed from cancer. Women contain multitudes and layers, and our stories deserve to be told.

In addition, we want to recognize that marginalized voices are often erased. We acknowledge that our community includes all women—whether lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex, or queer. We will also continue to make our spaces accessible and welcoming to women with disabilities and recognize stories from Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latinx women who are too often silenced, minimized, and face compounded oppression in the forms of sexism and racism.

This month at ActiveCampaign, the Women of AC ERG has a lineup of programming aimed to celebrate women’s history and empower our community to aim high and shatter the glass ceiling. We’re inviting our community allies to learn more about incredible women from history during virtual Jeopardy with hopes of sharing our joy and struggle with the community at large. 

We also have an amazing panel featuring female-identifying leaders from within ActiveCampaign to share their stories about how they got to where they are today and where they continue to grow. Lastly, we have invited Alida Miranda-Wolff, author, founder, and CEO of Ethos talent, to facilitate a leadership workshop for our community and set our group up to successfully communicate their purpose and stories for years to come. 

We invite you to join us in celebrating the women whose stories often go untold. The women who dare to stand up for themselves and speak on what they believe in. The women who continue to lead us through the unknown to a brighter future. 

Happy Women’s History Month from Sales titan!

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